Tuesday 12 February 2013

hi this is my first blog, i am from pakistan living in London,, and working aswell,
well i had a brazilian girlfriend in London, we use to work and live together, she was very beautiful and very kind heart, everything was fine until his family was kidnapped in brazil, she had to go back and pay ransom, i gave her some money and she tool loan aswell, now she is fine and family is ok aswell,
we met in a gym where we were working, (continue)
i still have many Brazilian friends in London, i love Brazilian people, they are so kind heart, they always help others when we are in problem, *£$%^&"£$%/*/@~<>!¬but i met a girl **
*£$%^&"£$%/*/@~<>!¬*£$%^&"£$%/*/@~<>!¬*£$%^&"£$%/*/@~<>!¬*£$%^&"£$%/*/@~<>!¬well i am coming to brazil next year for carnival hopefully, and want to make many as friends,

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